Early Pollinators Activity In the Garden

Did you know that the Garden’s border is composed of pollinator friendly plants and most perennial plants, trees and shrubs in the garden were chosen because they provide pollen and nectar for native bees and other pollinators? The biodiversity of these plants supports a large number of species of native pollinators from early spring to fall. This bee was seen recently in on the Pulmonaria “Mrs Moon” in our woodland area. Our Madame Beespeaker, Lori tells us that this is a queen Vosnesenskii  Bumble Bee (also known as yellow-faced bumble bee). When you visit the garden, what other pollinators do you see?

We will be hosting Lori Weidenhammer, Madame Beespeaker in our garden as she leads us on a Pollinator Walk and artful mapping. She will share with us the importance of bees for food production and the types of plants that support our bees. Check our event calendar for more information and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and like/follow us on Facebook.